Register For Endo-Surgery pack
Please only fill out this form if you are having surgery for Endometriosis- we have very limited boxes.
All information collected is confidential and is used for stats; please advise your date of surgery and hospital, e.g., Wellington Hospital and if you have any allergies. Boxes are pre-packed with various items, but not all boxes are the same, as it depends on what we have available. We get no funding for these care packages and have to buy the items ourselves. I would appreciate it if you could help cover the postage cost for your pack, each pack is valued at over $50+ I would appreciate a donation/koha to help cover the postage cost, we ask you to help pay that, as unfortunately the more we spend on postage the fewer packs I can send out.
Postage cost
Wellington non-rural/RD $6.50
Rest of North Island Non-rural/RD $8.65
South Island Non-rural/RD $14.85
South Island rural/RD $17.85