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Share your story

Do you want to share your story?

Well, Here you can do that! by submitting your story you are giving Endo Warriors Aotearoa the right to share online via our website and our social media forums. We have some requirements that we ask you to follow when writing your story, this is to ensure it stays a safe and respectful place for everyone, so please take time to read our requirements below.


  • Please Include a title

  • There is a caped character limit of 8000 Characters 

  • No swear words and please try and use inclusive language 

  • You can use your name or you can choose to remain anonymous

  • By submitting your story you are giving Endo Warriors Aotearoa the right to share online via our website and our social media forums.

  • Please include a photo of yourself to accompany your story. If stories are submitted without a photo or image EWA will use a stock image.

  • Links to any external websites such as blogs or other social media sites will not be allowed

  • Naming and shaming of healthcare professionals will not be allowed

  • Advertising to promote specific products or businesses will not be allowed, if you own a business you would like to advertise please email us at 



The stories in Story Forum do not necessarily reflect the views of Endo Warriors Aotearoa

The content may not be evidence-based but is reflective of the individuals’ health journeys.

Endo Warriors Aotearoa reserves the right to exclude any story submitted or to offer editorial comments prior to it being published.


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